But if you want to learn more about Chicago's sky-high buildings, tag along on an architecture river cruise. During a river cruise, you'll gain great views and historical insight about well-known ...
The Wendella Boats Chicago River Architecture Tour was selected by our team as the Best Overall thanks to its popularity and favorable user reviews. Cruise three branches of the Chicago River as ...
Chicago’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade will kick off at 12:30 p.m. Saturday, stepping off from Columbus and Balbo drives.
As is tradition, the Chicago River will be turned green for St. Patrick's Day on Saturday, March 15. Crews start the process in the morning, working from Columbus Drive to Orleans Street, and the ...
From the river dyeing to the various parades and cruises, there's an endless number of ways to celebrate St. Patrick's Day in ...
St. Patrick Day deals and a restaurant anniversary celebration are among upcoming highlighted items in the Chicago area ...
Ready to be a part of one of Chicago's most popular holiday celebrations? Watch as the Chicago River gets dyed green for St. Patrick's Day!
Chicago's St. Patrick's Day celebrations begin the weekend before the holiday with parades, river dyeing and festive traditions across the city.
beads and green top hats descend upon downtown Chicago to celebrate the luck of the Irish. From the river dyeing to the various parades and cruises, there's an endless number of ways to celebrate ...