The map below shows the location of Gwadar and Muscat. The blue line represents the straight line joining these two place. The distance shown is the straight line or the air travel distance between ...
Pakistan's New Gwadar International Airport is well-equipped and modern but several months after its completion, the giant site has not been used. The £187million airport, financed entirely by ...
Minister for Planning and Development Ahsan Iqbal has directed the authorities concerned to expedite construction of Gwadar Power Plant. He was chairing a meeting in Islamabad today to review the ...
The government is facing a host of challenges in the way of operationalising Gwadar Port despite offering a lucrative deal to the Chinese port operator. In a report submitted to the prime minister ...
GWADAR, Pakistan — With no passengers and no planes, Pakistan’s newest and most expensive airport is a bit of a mystery. Entirely financed by China to the tune of $240 million, it's anyone's ...
Entirely financed by China to the tune of $240 million, it’s anyone’s guess when New Gwadar International Airport will open for business. Located in the coastal city of Gwadar and completed in ...
Entirely financed by China to the tune of $240 million, it's anyone's guess when New Gwadar International Airport will open for business. Located in the coastal city of Gwadar and completed in ...