Der Angriff, organ of Goebbels, in a short account of the violence said "we shed not a single tear for them." "They (the synagogues) stood in the way long enough," the paper continued.
In April 1928, Joseph Goebbels, later the Third Reich’s chief propagandist, wrote a newspaper essay addressing the question of why the National Socialists, despite being an “anti ...
raised arm salute The government department responsible for all of this was the Ministry of Enlightenment and Propaganda, headed by Dr Joseph Goebbels. It aimed to brainwash people into obeying ...
Der Angriff, organ of Goebbels, in a short account of the violence said "we shed not a single tear for them." "They (the synagogues) stood in the way long enough," the paper continued.
In April 1928, Joseph Goebbels, later the Third Reich’s chief propagandist, wrote a newspaper essay addressing the question of why the National Socialists, despite being an “anti ...