PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — It looked a lot like the trading floor of the stock exchange at Stage AE on the North Side on Thursday, Dec. 12, where about 400 students took part in a live trading simulation.
Ampco-Pittsburgh Corporation's shares soared to a 52-week high, reaching a price level of $2.79, with an impressive 21.4% gain in the past week alone according to InvestingPro data. The small-cap ...
Shares of Ampco-Pittsburgh stock opened at $2.07 on Monday. Ampco-Pittsburgh has a one year low of $0.74 and a one year high of $2.79. The stock’s fifty day moving average is $2.26 and its 200 ...
Shares of AP stock opened at $2.00 on Friday. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 1.57, a quick ratio of 0.98 and a current ratio of 1.99. Ampco-Pittsburgh has a 1 year low of $0.74 and a 1 ...
Stage AE on Pittsburgh’s North Shore was set up like a stock market with a board showing the stock prices similar to the New York Stock Exchange, the biggest stock market on earth, where matches ...