Tremors in Bihar, Siliguri

Baba Vanga predicted devastating earthquakes in various parts of the world, including India, in 2025, many years ago. Now, ...
Low-cost base isolation technology developed at BITS-Pilani Hyderabad enhances earthquake resilience and retrofitting ...
The avalanche hit the BRO camp between Mana and Badrinath on February 28, burying 54 workers inside eight containers and a ...
Given India’s seismic vulnerability, we must strengthen our protective shield in preparation for a significant event. A state ...
Earthquake alerts on smartphones offer precious seconds to seek safety by using built-in accelerometers to detect tremors.
SANTIAGO (Reuters) – Fifteen years ago on February 27, a devastating 8.8 magnitude quake struck southern Chile off the coast ...
An earthquake of 3.9-magnitude earthquake struck Los Angeles after the Oscars event concluded. According to the US Geological Survey, the quake with an epicentre of 15 kilometers below the surface ...
Red Carpet Rocked By Earthquake At The Oscars; Panic Hits, Cameras Shudder & Afterparties Threatened? Zelenskyy Rebukes US ...