Interview was conducted in February, 2025 The United States government has bloated and fattened up over the span of the last ...
Victor Davis Hanson is a senior fellow in military history at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University and a Professor Emeritus of classics at California State University, Fresno. He is the ...
Master Okawa, founder of Happy Science, is a living Buddha of the 21st century and a World Teacher of True Happiness. In the tradition of Shakyamuni Buddha, Jesus Christ, Confucius, and Moses, Master ...
Applicants for the Liberty writer should have a serious interest in international relations, deep interest in learning Happy Science teachings and a facility with the English language. Applicants for ...
Родилась в городе Харькове на северо-востоке Украины. Получила докторскую степень в университете Колорадо, США. До этого работала ...
Happy Science is an organization of people who aim to cultivate their souls and deepen their love and wisdom through learning and practicing the teachings (the Truth) taught by Master Ryuho Okawa.
Q1: I don’t believe in spiritual messages. A1: All of the world’s religions started from spiritual messages. Modern society is not familiar with spiritual messages, but if we unravel the thread of ...
Master Ryuho Okawa is a living Buddha and a Savior. At the age of 24 he attained his great enlightenment and discovered his true mission – to bring happiness and the highest form of salvation to all ...
‘영언현상’이란 저 세상의 영존재(靈存在)의 말을 이야기하여 내리는 현상. 이것은 고도의 깨달음을 얻은 자 특유의 능력이며 ‘영매현상’(트랜스 상태가 되어 의식을 잃고 영이 일방적으로 ...
Le Premier ministre chinois Zhou Enlai (é2me à droite) qui a servi le président Mao Zedong (2ème à gauche). Alors que le coronavirus découvert récemment se propage en Chine, le Premier ministre ...