Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Dr Mohan Yadav has said that India and Japan are like two long-lost brothers, as the two countries have a deep bond and several similarities like the reverence for the Sun God and the teachings of Gautam Buddha,
Japan saw 233,000 Indians visit the country, a 40% increase from the previous year, according to data from JNTO.
Indian Ambassador to Japan, Sibi George expressed delight on the visit of Madhya Pradesh's Chief Minister Mohan Yadav to Japan and hailed the India-Japan ties. In a significant development, he ...
Indian Ambassador to Japan, Sibi George, expressed enthusiasm for strengthening India-Japan ties, highlighting plans to bring 50,000 Indian professionals to Japan and increasing Japanese companies in India from 1,
U.S. officials say the Trump administration would begin formal international engagements this week when Marco Rubio — expected to be confirmed soon as secretary of state — meets with the foreign ministers of India,
Maruti Suzuki recently launched the Jimny 5-door as the Jimny Nomade in Japan. It gets some differences over the India-spec model, including new colours, additional features and ADAS
Door Jimny is made in India and Japan and 5-Door Jimny is exclusively manufactured in India by Maruti Suzuki at their Gurugram facility.
Suzuki has finally brought the 4-door Jimny to Japan, giving it the Nomade moniker. The most practical version of the Jimny was introduced two years ago in India, where it is being manufactured.
A renewed push by Japan’s biggest banks and other global lenders in India is driving down loan prices with the new players having more appetite for riskier credit, according to the country head for Barclays Plc.
Looking ahead, Upasana Joshi, Research Director at IDC, estimated that Apple will continue to outpace the overall smartphone market in 2025, with shipments reaching 13-14 million units.
Rubio Will Meet With Peers From India, Japan, Australia After Expected Confirmation, Officials Say WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration would begin formal international engagements this we ...
President Trump has invited Modi, with whom he famously gets along personally, to visit the White House next month, shortly after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit next week. India, already sensitive to Trump’s concerns about illegal immigration and in anticipation of the Modi visit,