Meta on Thursday said it had laid off 20 workers for leaking information to the media, as the social media giant faces pressure over the recent political shift of its boss Mark Zuckerberg towards US President Donald Trump.
In his new book, author Peter Hayes looks at corporate complicity in Nazi Germany and points to parallels with how companies are responding to President Donald Trump now. When Donald Trump pulled the United States out of the Paris climate agreement in 2017,
The dismissals follow a series of reports detailing Zuckerberg's meetings with staff. According to the report, the Meta chief told employees in one session that he would no longer be as transparent.
Steve Bannon has warned that tech billionaires like Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg will eventually abandon Donald Trump and the Republican Party, just as they distanced themselves from Democrats. In a CNN interview,
The survey finds that 67% of young adults view Musk unfavorably, while 66% of Americans hold a negative opinion of Zuckerberg, reflecting growing public distrust in both tech leaders.
A study by the Pew Research Center found that Americans' views of Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg skew more negative than positive. While Zuckerberg has
Vanity Fair editors trace the Meta founder’s transformation from a nerdy, hoodie-wearing whiz kid into a GOP power player, and divine whether the newly bro-ey billionaire will be able to swim ...
A Pew Research Center poll shows 54% of Americans have an "unfavorable" view of Musk, while 67% have an "unfavorable" view of Zuckerberg.