LISA is set to revolutionize our understanding of the gravitational universe and the interactions that make the entire cosmos ...
Scientists have discovered that gravitational waves could turn neutron stars into cosmic tuning forks with characteristic ...
They were first detected in 2016 by researchers working on the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (aLIGO) located in Hanford, Washington and Livingston, Louisiana. LISA ...
Expect the unexpected In this artist’s rendering, a stream of matter trails a white dwarf orbiting within the innermost accretion disk surrounding 1ES 1927+654’s supermassive black hole. (Courtesy: ...
TEGO’s innovative design enhances gravitational wave detection by increasing stability, sensitivity, and detection of diverse wave modes, pushing the boundaries of current space observation technology ...
The second wave: refugees from Eastern Europe The earliest ... As they did, the community’s center of gravity shifted. Temple of Aaron Synagogue, the St. Paul JCC, and Talmud Torah moved to ...