As Miami Beach readies for the busiest weekends of spring break, several new rules are going into effect to help maintain a ...
In Miami Beach, years of chaos from spring breakers led to strict restrictions, but local businesses are wondering about the ...
Miami Beach broke up with spring break last year and city leaders still aren’t interested in couples counseling.
Garage shutdowns, DUI stops and license tag scans on causeways are starting in South Beach this week as spring break crowds ...
Miami Beach police are taking to the skies to crack down on rowdy spring break crowds. The new airborne first responder, the ...
Mayor Dean Trantalis argues the contract for Fort Lauderdale’s new city manager is fair, but one commissioner voted no, ...
Miami Beach inspectors issued a cease and desist notice to a restaurant owned by the hostel, drawing claims of “selective enforcement.” ...
More than 100 homeless people are now occupying beds at the hostel, leading to mounting complaints from residents in the well ...