Kindergarteners from Altadena Arts Magnet School had a special time reading in class Monday morning celebrating Read Across ...
As the Trump administration engages in a frontal assault on the teaching of race and ethnicity at the K-12 level, a quieter ...
California is one of only 10 states in the country that does not require schools to screen children for dyslexia.
Only 4 in 10 third-graders in California read at their grade level—and that drops to 3 in 10 for low-income Latino students.
The California Teachers Association visited kindergarten students of Altadena Arts Magnet Monday, March 3, one of the schools ...
Kindergarteners from Altadena Arts Magnet School were joined by a special guest to celebrate Read Across America Day. David ...
Maria Okana, right, is the latest recipient of a check from the California Retired Teachers Association Redwood Division.
In 1949, New York State passed the so-called Feinberg Law, which made membership in any group labeled subversive by the U.S.
Educators are mobilizing statewide to defeat AB 1468, the latest bill to emerge from the CA Legislative Jewish Caucus (LJC) ...
The state has gradually lowered standards for decades, and has replaced them with radical activist causes, among which being ...
Forcing schools to teach only the views supported by the federal government amounts to a violation of free speech, the ...