A blood test that detects the biological age of organs can predict the risk of health conditions many years in advance, ...
When you reach the part of the cycle that you have to borrow money to pay debt service, and the holders of those bonds say it ...
A 2021 meta-analysis published in the journal "Nutrients" found that higher adherence to plant-based diets was associated ...
Getting a specific screening — the coronary artery calcium (CAC) score — can help detect early signs of heart disease.
Doctors at Duke Children's Hospital were able to perform three life-saving surgeries after one donor heart became available.
"We go forward and we trust that it's going to be okay as much as we can," Heart bandmate and sister Nancy Wilson tells ...
Gene Hackman's long and critically acclaimed career ended in retirement over 20 years ago, brought on by health concerns.
Heart disease isn't always obvious, and sometimes you have little to no warning leading up to a catastrophic event.
The SEC failed to establish jurisdiction over Finland-based Richard Heart despite allegations from the agency of manipulating ...
Johnson-Dean finally insisted she go to the emergency room. Doctors discovered she was suffering from peripartum ...