In the last several weeks, there have been a number of articles in this publication highlighting the fact that, though we elected a majority of Republicans in both bodies of the Alaska Legislature, we ...
History does not repeat. Yesterday will never be today or tomorrow, but historic patterns do repeat. History shows a pattern of the nations’ emergence, growth and decline. It provides facts and allows ...
The Democratic controlled Alaska Legislature is currently weighing two proposals that will cost the state billions of dollars by drastically expanding defined benefit pensions for state employees, ...
Pike’s Peak, California 49ers, Montana, North Carolina, Georgia, Klondike 98ers, Fairbanks, Nome, Iditarod, Hope, Nation, Fortymile, Ruby, Cariboo, Mexico, South ...
Over the past two decades, the University of Alaska system has become a hotbed for hard-leftist projects, programs and curriculum – pushing DEI, critical race theory and LGBTQ activism. This includes ...
At left, Marjorie Harrison answers questions during her Feb. 28 meeting with members of the Anchorage Assembly regarding her nomination to serve as the city’s library director. Anchorage Mayor Suzanne ...
Congressman Nick Begich has been named Vice Chair of the House Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials, a key position that will allow him to advocate for strengthening ...
This iconic phrase has been applied and misapplied many times, and originates from a Mark Twain novel. Its origin is complicated, but is worthy as an attention-grabber. Yes, there is gold in Alaska, ...
Although there is obviously much work to be done in the Great Land regarding the traditional building block of the family, some good news has surfaced. A newly released report shows that Alaska has ...
Donald Trump is the first president in the last 60 years to make a serious effort to return our country to fiscal sanity, starting by cutting government waste and The Alaska Watchman aims to raise ...
In an effort address inappropriate student clothing, the Mat-Su School Board is considering a revision to the district’s dress code to specifically ban revealing, racist, sexually suggestive and ...
In a somewhat contentious but enlightening exchange on Feb. 12, high ranking officials in Alaska’s Department of Law (DOL) told a judicial reform watchdog group that the Alaska Supreme Court has put ...