The Emergency Alert System will test its communications systems Tuesday morning to prepare for tornado season.
National Weather Service meteorologists are warning of a severe storm expected to hit several states on Friday night.
A statewide tornado drill is scheduled to take place across Indiana Tuesday morning. The live test is slated to begin at 9:15 ...
Indianapolis residents can expect to hear tornado sirens every Friday morning as city officials test to make sure they are ...
A severe weather outbreak could hit the Chicago area Friday night, bringing damaging high winds and the possibility of ...
This statewide tornado drill is a part of Indiana Severe Weather and Flood Preparedness Week, which Governor Mike Braun proclaimed this week for the state. As part of NWS efforts to build a ...
Severe weather season has begun. We are tracking the potential forecast changes for tornadoes, hail, wind and flooding for ...
It's March, and in the Ohio Valley that means there's a chance for severe weather pretty much anytime a storm system moves ...
Marion County Emergency Management will conduct an additional tornado siren test after a fail during Tuesday's statewide test ...
Officials are asking every Hoosier business, school and family to participate in the statewide tornado drill on Tuesday.