AbbVie Inc. enters the obesity market with GUBamy, a promising amylin analog. Click here to find out why ABBV stock is a Buy.
Novo Nordisk (NVO), the company behind popular diabetes and obesity treatments Ozempic and Wegovy, saw its stock rise on Thursday after ...
Novo Nordisk (NVO) stock rebounds after Kepler Cheuvreux upgrades to Buy following a 42% stock drop over the past year. Read ...
Zealand-aktien dykker kraftigt – Novo stigerOpdateret kl. 09.47. Københavns Fondsbørs har skudt gang i handlen torsdag, hvor ...
The Novo Nordisk Foundation and University of Copenhagen researchers have backtracked over a project to redefine how the ...
Over the past few days, as the rest of the stock market melted down, a revolution has been quietly brewing in the market for ...
Roche agreed to develop a weight-loss drug with Danish biotech Zealand Pharma, pressuring Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly.
"Vejen til at nå en stærkere grøn konkurrenceevne har været en militær forhindringsbane af bureaukrati og bøvl," lyder det ...
Først annullerede de hans valgsejr. Nu bruger de samme beslutning til at udelukke ham fra det nye præsidentvalg. Rumænien er kastet ud i en hidtil uset politisk situation efter afvisning af ...
Novo Nordisk released the results from its late-stage trial of CagriSema on Monday. It showed that patients on the highest dose of the drug lost 15.7% of their weight.
Information forklarer klimaet er en ugentlig podcast, der dykker ned i de vigtigste begreber inden for grøn omstilling, ...
Et strømsvigt i hovedstaden er lige nu årsag til, at du formentlig ikke kan se særlig meget, hvis du går ind i en butik på Københavns Hovedbanegård.