The Greater Tokyo Area contains around 40 million people—roughly as many residents as in the entire state of California—all ...
Post-Covid concerns about small landlords are continuing to drive the conversation around renter aid policies.
It grew into the state’s largest home insurer by writing policies with low premiums and inadequate reserves for the risks it ...
After the pandemic-fueled spike for local production, the Los Angeles denim community adjusts to orders leveling off.
Wildfires that destroyed two neighborhoods made the state’s housing shortage even worse. Now, opposition is growing to ...
A storm soaking the state on Wednesday and Thursday is bringing new danger to the area hit by wildfires earlier this year.
The LAO’s report says the January 2024 point-in-time count found 187,000 people who are homeless in California, an all-time ...
Los Angeles County and other state prisons are upgrading their security after a recent surge in violence against staff and ...