Members of a House committee on Wednesday weighed a bill that would declare the World Health Organization, the United Nations ...
Disagreements between high- and lower-income countries have left the pandemic preparedness treaty in intensive care. The prescription? Developing nations can look to each other for health equity, ...
If we are to be serious about security then an increase to 3 per cent will be required long before the next parliament ...
The president had reportedly considered including NATO in his speech. He would likely not have had much positive to say about the alliance. But Trump ultimately chose not to say anything. Nor did he ...
The eventual toll was not one hundred thousand wounded, but 140,000 deaths by the end of 1945, increasing further to 320,000 ...
Elon Musk has supported a call for the US to withdraw from the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (Nato) and the United Nations (UN). This has sparked fear that the Trump administration, who has been ...
Trump has upended humanitarian aid, development and climate finance sectors by halting funding. The US leader has also exited ...
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration took part in a World Health ...
The World Health Organization estimates that tobacco consumption worldwide ... 2 billion—are covered by at least one tobacco control policy in accordance with the treaty, which has 183 parties, 182 ...
The world took a historic step in the fight against tobacco when the World Health Organization Framework Convention on ...
Dr. Khaled al-Saedni works at a hospital in Gaza and tells how he cares for patients after losing a leg.