The district said it met 27 of 37 goals outlined in its "Annual Action Plan" and reported improvements in several areas.
One study commission recommendation could be dividing each of the the state's five largest school systems into smaller ...
Cambria County Commissioner Tom Chernisky visited multiple elementary schools to read to students for "Read Across America ...
The Cumberland Valley School District is facing financial struggles, and the school board is now looking into budget cuts. While there is not a dispute about the need to reduce spending, many at ...
Carrboro, Chatham, Cumberland, Durham, Harnett, Johnston, Lee, Nash and Wake school districts to ask how they're preparing ...
Students in Marshall County Schools began their first day of classes on Monday in the new Central Pre-K program designed for ...
Knox County Schools met 27 out of their 37 goals for the 2023-2024 school year, they reported during a conference on Tuesday.
One Cumberland County school district — like Many school districts across the Commonwealth — is facing financial issues and ...