An earthquake​ struck northwest of Seattle, Washington,​ near the U.S.-Canada border early Monday morning, officials said.
People can download the MyShake app in the Apple Store or Google Play. The mobile app sends an alert if the earthquake meets ...
Shaking was felt across northwestern Washington early Monday morning as an earthquake struck the San Juan Islands region near ...
An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 4.5 was recorded at 5:02 a.m. Monday, 6 miles east of Orcas Island.
Many old structures in the Seattle area are susceptible to earthquake damage, including schools, apartments and offices.
A series of minor earthquakes has been shaking the Pacific Northwest, with the latest tremors felt in Auburn, Bremerton and ...
A 4.5 magnitude earthquake struck 70 miles northwest of Seattle early Monday, causing mild tremors in the region, with ...
A 4.5 magnitude earthquake struck off of Orcas Island this morning. The USGS reports the quake happened at about 5:02 a.m.
A 3.9 magnitude earthquake caused mild shaking in and near the Hollywood neighborhood of Los Angeles late Sunday.
So far, there has been no impact on monitoring. But the potential is there if the limitations at the federal level continue.
Friday marks 24 years since the Nisqually earthquake shook the region. The 6.8 magnitude quake was centered about 11 miles northeast of Olympia, and felt from Seattle to Grays Harbor.