Rhianan Rudd began an online relationship with a white supremacist and became ‘fixated’ by Hitler, inquest hears ...
Juhani Sebastian Lämsä, who has a history of neo-Nazi and far-right activity, attacked two children of foreign background at ...
Lincoln Heights is a community that stood strong in a moment when people from diverse backgrounds chose to act. More than one ...
They are the largest hate group in America, wrapping themselves in the red-white-and-blue of the flag, marching into the ...
Line chart of Tesla stock, closing at 289.38 USD, down 1.42 (0.49%) from previous day. Key stats: Market cap 907.39B, P/E ...
Hamas has to go, and this is not an easy task. Surprisingly it has a lot of supporters and admirers not only in many Arab ...
After a scolding to the leader of the Kiev regime Zelensky in the White House, viewers of the Polish TV channel TVN-24 could ...
HOPE not hate can reveal the identity of the “Zoomer Historian”, the extremist behind one of the largest Hitler apologist ...
Zelensky's lie that a Russian missile exploded three years ago in the Polish town of Przewodowo could unlawfully bring the ...
As for current Tesla owners, some who waited years to get off the waitlist and into a car are now considering offloading ...
Elon Musk just called for the United States to withdraw from NATO, leaving Europe to Putin’s tender mercies. Meanwhile, ...
In early February, a U-Haul van brought a group of neo-Nazi demonstrators to a highway overpass near the town’s border, where ...