I have written a new blog article on the mis-match between what accountants/bookkeepers have being doing to satisfy the ID verification ...
A client I took on recently has two limited companies, at one point both were active but now only one is. The other is kept open to protect the name being ...
Attracting and keeping younger workers has become one of the most pressing challenges for accounting firms today. Chief ...
Hello everyone, hope you're all having a great weekend!* I have a sole trader client who wants to know whether someone else can take ...
Overall, PaperLess has enabled us to work more transparently and fluidly. We are also able to process an ever-growing number of purchase invoices which without PaperLess would be something unthinkable ...
Did you know that accountants spend an average of 30% of their time manually entering data and reconciling transactions? Traditional bookkeeping is ...
AI is transforming accounting firms. However, autonomous AI agents are set to accelerate this change even further.*/ ...
We have been approached by director of a company to assist him in rectifying previously filed annual returns /confirmation statements. Errors were made on ...
Transactions in UK land are subject to UK corporation tax - is it therefore necessary for an overseas incorporated property company to register a UK ...
As a man of the hills, being prepared for a big adventure and having myself a hearty plan is part of my make-up.
The accountancy profession continues to face rapid change. So it can be hard for accountancy firm owners to see what their ...
The UK’s finance leaders are stressed and overworked, with over half (56%) working at least six extra, non-contracted hours a month.