Green Bay to Milwaukee, WI - 2 ways to travel via bus, and car
The cheapest way to get from Green Bay to Milwaukee, WI costs only $25, and the quickest way takes just 1 hour. Find the travel option that best suits you.
How to get from Milwaukee to Green Bay by bus, car or plane
The cheapest way to get from Milwaukee to Green Bay costs only $25, and the quickest way takes just 1 hour. Find the travel option that best suits you.
Green Bay, WI to Milwaukee, WI Bus - Affordable Bus Tickets
Book your next Greyhound bus from Green Bay, WI to Milwaukee, WI. Get free Wi-Fi & plug outlets on board, extra legroom and 2 pieces of free luggage.
Bus from Green Bay to Milwaukee - megabus
Travel by bus from Green Bay to Milwaukee in as little as 2 hours 20 minutes. With over 2 buses a day from 5:45 AM to 3:00 PM with free Wi-Fi, plan your perfect trip today with megabus.
Driving distance from Green Bay to Milwaukee is 119 miles
Compare the flight distance to driving distance from Green Bay, WI to Milwaukee, WI, or check for a bus or train from Green Bay, WI to Milwaukee, WI. Calculate the total cost to drive from …
Distance from Milwaukee, WI to Green Bay, WI - Distance …
There are 102.43 miles from Milwaukee to Green Bay in north direction and 114 miles (183.47 kilometers) by car, following the I-43 N route. Milwaukee and Green Bay are 2 hours 6 mins far apart, if you drive non-stop . This is the fastest route from Milwaukee, WI to Green Bay, WI. The halfway point is Haven, WI.
Best way to get from Green Bay, WI to Milwaukee, WI - Uber
Complete your plans today by reserving a ride with Uber to get from Green Bay, WI to Milwaukee, WI. Request a ride up to 90 days before your trip, at any time and on any day of the year.
Distance from Green Bay, WI to Milwaukee, WI - Distance …
Green Bay and Milwaukee are 2 hours 6 mins far apart, if you drive non-stop . This is the fastest route from Green Bay, WI to Milwaukee, WI. The halfway point is Haven, WI. Green Bay, WI and Milwaukee, WI are in the same time zone (CDT). Current time in both locations is 9:41 am.
Cheap bus tickets from Green Bay to Milwaukee - Wanderu
Wanderu searches multiple bus companies to find the cheapest prices on buses from Green Bay, WI to Milwaukee, WI. Compare all options side-by-side and book your bus ticket online directly from Wanderu.
- Reviews: 7
Cheap train tickets from Green Bay to Milwaukee - Wanderu
Find the best deals on train tickets from Green Bay, WI to Milwaukee, WI. You can compare the best prices from all train lines and book online directly with Wanderu.
- Reviews: 3