- A waxing crescent moon is photographed from the International Space Station during an orbital sunset as the station flies 268 miles (431 kilometers) above the Pacific Ocean, east of New Zealand.science.nasa.gov/resource/crescent-moon-from-the-international-space-station/
Stunning photo captures space station crossing the …
Feb 24, 2022 · Legault caught a spectacular picture of the spaceship on Jan. 18, with the crusty, mottled moon in full form behind it. The silhouette of the space station is so clear, observers can make out a...
Gateway - NASA
Jan 23, 2025 · International teams of astronauts will explore the scientific mysteries of deep space with Gateway, humanity’s first space station around the Moon. Gateway is central to the NASA-led Artemis missions to return to the …
Lunar Gateway - Wikipedia
Gateway Space Station - NASA
Jun 12, 2023 · A NASA-led international coalition, Gateway will be a space station in lunar orbit enabling long-term human exploration at the Moon and new opportunities for scientific discovery as a foundational system to support …
International Space Station passes across the moon in …
Mar 3, 2021 · A stunning image of the International Space Station against a backdrop of the moon has been captured as its astronauts prepared for a spacewalk.
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The Moon and the International Space Station - Futurism
May 19, 2014 · One of the most fascinating things about this image, is how close the two satellites appear to be, but in fact, the Moon orbits Earth from a distance of roughly 250,000 miles (404,000 km), while...
The Moon from the International Space Station
May 7, 2023 · The Moon from the International Space Station An astronaut aboard the International Space Station captured this image of the Moon on May 7, 2023. One of the station's solar arrays can be seen in the foreground.
Crescent Moon from the International Space Station
Dec 27, 2021 · A waxing crescent moon is photographed from the International Space Station during an orbital sunset as the station flies 268 miles (431 kilometers) above the Pacific Ocean, east of New Zealand. We can see a …
Photographer Captures Stunning Shot of ISS Crossing …
Jan 6, 2023 · Talented “backyard astrophotographer” Andrew McCarthy has captured an incredible photo of the International Space Station passing in front of one of the Moon’s brightest craters.
International Space Station - NASA